The EPA estimates that between 230 million and 530 million tons of construction debris are generated annually in the United States. Usually, a property owner hires a contractor to dispose of construction and demolition (C&D) debris at an approved landfill. Most people assume that it is the responsibility of the hired contractor to ensure that the material is disposed of properly. This is simply not true. No matter who is performing the work, it is essentially the Owners responsibility to ensure that this material is disposed of properly. Landfills require an Owners Representative to guarantee that the material being delivered to the landfill comes from their site. On an average project, an Owners Representative can sign over 500 documents to approve of hauling C&D debris to a landfill. This process can easily become redundant and tiresome.
Every year owners are sued for millions of dollars, because the material leaving their site was not disposed of properly. For this reason, many owners have invested capital in having people managing the waste streams of a project. This was done as a result of the large payouts being made by owners who were found to be negligent. Financially, it made more sense to hire people to manage this process then to risk trusting a contractor to do it correctly on their own. When the work of a contractor is what supremely decides an owners fate bad things sometime happen ( As important as this process is, the time is now to leverage technology at the landfill so that we can reduce lawsuits.
Even with the investment in environmental oversight, a large liability remains. What happens when the truck leaves the site? How do I know each truck made it to the landfill that day? How am I keeping track of each load of material based on each area it was removed from. With so much liability involved in this process, it is time that owners use technology to limit their liability. Its time for Livegistics. The Livegistics LTS Manifest application is accessible at every Waste Management landfill in the United States. For the owner that wants to avoid lawsuits and limit liabilities; send your C&D debris to a Waste Management Landfill via Livegistics.
How the LTS Manifest App works with Waste Management
We have created a guide that walks an owner through signing manifests digitally using LTS Manifest.
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