The Return on Investment

Some of the first advantages you will see while using the Livegistics cloud based platform are how streamlined your everyday processes become. Many times in the past you would have carbon copies of tickets floating around in the most inauspicious locations.   Just like clockwork, some tickets would get lost, and so begins the nightmare of reconciling paper tickets with your vendors.  In some cases over a year’s time, you could lose tens of thousands of dollars just from lost tickets.

After polling customers that have been using our modules ,we have found an average  90% reduction in back office accounting/reconciliation time. Not only are we eliminating the chance of losing tickets, but our reconciliation screen has turned what used to a cumbersome process into a well oiled machine.  What some were spending days doing with multiple people involved at times , can now only take a couple hours to complete with very little error. This means that companies are now saving tremendous amounts of time and money dealing with the most important parts of their business.  The Livegistics System allows you to get rid of the bottlenecks in your business process. Let us know how we can help you streamline your day to day process by using Livegistics.






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